backlash is back on track

It's been an age.
Rob and me have left Smallcreep in limbo for far too long. We've both been hellish busy on other projects and various other bits of our lives; but it still seems a shame to have left so much unfinished work on the shelf (...unfinished work that we were actually extremely proud of too...)
The project was BACKLASH, our third CD - and a piece of work so long in gestation that it had generated far too many sketchpads, ideas and part-formed songs that we eventually culled over half of them and started again, only to find more ideas coming through. Eventually we just kind of got tired and distracted and left around 60 different song ideas and treatments in small files on my old Powerbook and went off to do other things.

Many of the sketchpads, lyric fragments and proposed ideas were a lot more grown-up than previous stuff; more political, more pressing, more personal. And though much has changed since we last touched them, a lot remains the same, and makes them as relevant as ever. Our own instincts, our current listening habits, and also the odd prod here and there from our friends online (thanks Tomer in particular...) have combined to nudge us squarely back into the mindset of sorting out unfinished business.
And so we aim to complete BACKLASH this year; hopefully this summer. Whilst 'Timor' and 'wasteland_number_two' have already emerged, there's plenty still there that's mostly finished ('wasteland_number_one', 'Videowar', 'Gun', '4u' and 'Souls') and also plenty more that need extra writing before we can get round to properly arranging and finessing them.

There's a considerable amount of work to do, even to just get things moving again. First task is to look out out all the old notebooks and scribbles, to transfer various MIDI and sound files to my MacBook Pro and to reset "the studio" to plumb it all in, get Logic 8 up and running, and get ourselves ready to reappraise all we've done.
But we have the desire to do it. We think we had a cracking album in the works; only made difficult by its own ambition and by the amount of creative work it unleashed.

Hopefully we can finally get it finished and distributed, and we'll aim to use this site to update you on progress along the way.
Smallcreep are back, and BACKLASH is back on track.


about the band

Once described as the band that "makes Massive Attack sound like Aqua", Smallcreep was formed in 1997 by Gareth Bouch and Rob Jenkinson to explore the outer reaches of industrial music.
But things change, people grow and bands develop.
Smallcreep continued to evolve, influenced heavily by their soundtrack commissions for videos, web projects and other audio-visual work, and continue to make music where nothing is off-limits.
Sometimes noisy, often challengin and NEVER boring, Smallcreep are currently shaking off a long hiaitus in order to complete their third album; the long-awaited BACKLASH.

Other Downloads

Miscellaneous works from video projects and unfinished band work.
Click to download...

Ice On Fire (edit)
Timor (reprise)

You can also download tracks from the "Melt" and "Machine Sex" pages...


(released 1998)
Downloadable tracks are linked below...

Intro (pinhead)
Control Freak
Getting You
Vicious Circle
Strung Out Fucked Up
Pain Barrier
The Long Dark NIght Of The Soul
Not Enough

Machine Sex

(released 1997)
Downloadable tracks are linked below...

Intro (pinhead)
Guilty As Sin
I Am The Whore
Machine Sex
Till I Am Nothing
Drain Away


Gareth Bouch
Piano, keyboards, Chapman Stick, programming, vocals production

Rob Jenkinson
Guitar, bass, FX, Jenkotronics, programming, vocals, production

Kris Barford - drums
Martyn Downes - drums
Pete Cox - guitar loops
Matt Bindoff - lyrics


• The Barbed Wire Heart (EP)
• Machine Sex
• Melt
• Videonet soundtrack
• Amonite soundtrack
• Ice On Fire
• CampeĆ³n
• BACKLASH (*unfinished)