assembling the studio

A quick update on initial progress...
I've started setting up the studio again so it should be easier to work once we're good and ready. I've been buying new MIDI cables and audio looms etc, and sorting out things like USB hubs to connect all the outboard gear to the MacBook Pro so we can have a single sold workstation.
Software - well, not entirely sure where we stand on that. Garageband, although it presents itself as 'for anybody' is actually a hellishly professional and well-featured piece of kit. Otherwise it's likely that we'll be working with Logic 8.
I spent last night sorting out my old PowerBook and locating and transferring old Cubase files across. I'll be doing some follow-up work on these to do MIDI exports.

We won't be using the old Akai sampler anymore as it was just a bit unwieldy and unreliable, and instead we'll probably be redoing all sampled work within Logic's own software sampler, or looking at a similar solution.
And we won't be using Cubase either because we don't believe in being forced to have USB 'licence activation' dongles stuck in our hardware whenever we want to use something we've already paid for (fuck off Steinberg, you useless cunts).

As for the level of work, well I pulled over 300 files from the PowerBook - thankfully already pared down into various 'revised' and 'rough' folders so we can get to work on the most developed ideas first.
More progress as it happens.